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The night that shook me

It happened two nights ago. I was out and was entering my building when I heard noises.

At the other end of the road, there was other towers of homes.

It was pitch dark, light breeze was flowing and pin drop silence on the road. There was nobody around and I stood for a few seconds to enjoy the peace.

At first, I thought it was somebody's TV. But a few seconds later, I realized that the noises were coming from a home in the opposite building. They were the voices of a woman shouting and crying and immediately after, a man was heard shouting and hurling at him. And then, I could hear a kid crying at the top of his voice!

And I am not exaggerating - my heart skipped a beat! What I suspected a few seconds ago turned to be true! And this while, I could visualize the scenario! A middled aged, probably drunk, beating his wife, who is crying for help and the infant is a witness to this torture and trauma. And just when I was engrossed in my thoughts, I could hear something banging on their door. I assumed that maybe the man had punched the door. Or even worse, pushed the female to the door or banged her head to the door. And my legs shook.

I suspected this happening at one of the top floors and the voices were so loud, even the banging of the door that I could hear them downstairs.

I stood there feeling chilly (because of what I was listening from a distance). I couldn't believe that something like this was happening. My heart sank when I thought about the female and the kid.

After a few minutes when the noises stopped, I went upstairs to my home. But couldn't sleep. I was upset. Disappointed. Agitated. Sad. All at once. The impact has been such that I couldn't even complete the blog last night. And it's been 3 days but the noises still haunt me!

I wanted to help. Unfortunately, I was tied. It's unlike me to not help somebody. But this situation was different. In India, in such situations, the things can worsen. But that woman and kid has been in my prayers ever since. I hope for their protection and safety.

Thankfully, I haven't heard those noises again. I have been deliberately standing in my balcony at the same time to notice if I hear something. And I am glad, that I didn't.

When this incident happened, it made me question the long list of criteria we have for a partner. Career, financial stability, looks are important but certainly not deal breakers (atleast not for me). I have always established that I am not longing for money. I want both of us to earn enough to sustain. But what matters to me is the person's nature and character. Respect, trust, loyalty, maturity, compatibility, and most importantly, understanding is what I seek.

30 years down the lane, we will turn old. At the time, I won't be happy about looks but about the relationship we have built over the years, the good and bad times we sailed through together, and the love and care we have for each other.

I want an equal partnership. No dominance, no toxicity, no disrespect. This is what I want: a companionship where my husband and I hang out like friends, fight like siblings, care like a family and love passionately like lovers.

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