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The gender biasedness

Today’s post is on a serious issue that needs urgent attention!

It was a normal day! I was with my colleagues, having lunch, gossiping while enjoying our meals. One of our co-workers (and a close friend of mine) shared this incident that upset him.

He has just become a father to a baby girl (and am super excited that I am an aunt now 😍). He met one of our colleagues in the office who congratulated him at first. But the very next moment, he blurted out the shittiest thing ever: “so when are you planning the second baby?”. Of course, my friend was taken back! So were we, when we heard this! Clearly, the person was expressing his discontent on the fact that it’s a girl and that a boy is necessary for a family to be complete.

This incident struck a chord with me. I am proud to be my parents’ single child and Only girl child! I remember various neighbours, acquaintances telling my mom in particular to plan a second kid or asking why she isn’t planning another one. Everyone wanted my parents to have a boy. But my mom was sure from the very beginning: she wanted a single child. And when I was born, it was one of the best moments of her life (as she puts it).

Years later, when I recall these conversations, I feel sad for those people to have such shallow thinking. Today, I am fulfilling all the duties of a child. I love my family and they love me and support me with all their heart. I have had all the freedom in the world, thanks to my amazing parents!

But the incident with my friend today made all of us at the table ponder over the fact that people continue to have this thought process even today! Which we feel is wrong. And I stand by it!

Girls are no less than guys! Physiologically, psychologically, and emotionally we are different from our male counterparts. However, we can take care of our homes, families, and even have a successful career (without taking any favours). And yes we party, we have fun, we have male friends, but some of us are religious, culturally connected too).

Yes, we exist! And it’s high time we put a full stop to this biasedness!

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