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Grab every opportunity that comes your way

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

''Would you write a guest blog for my website? I noticed you are a blogger and a freelance content writer. I would love it if you could contribute one for my site?''

This is an excerpt from the text message I received a week back.

A person who wasn't even on my Facebook friend list inboxed me to write a guest blog for him. (Sounds awesome right?)

I thought it was a good opportunity and agreed to his proposal post surfing through his website. (I know it wasn't beneficial from a monetary point of view but at least my guest blogging journey got another feather in its cap!)

He wanted a blog from buying guide perse. I am not good with tech. Hence, I went ahead with something that interests me and something that I am comfortable writing on.

Finally, after a few minor edits, my post is live! (The link to the article is in the first comment)

Moral of the story- Keep writing and sharing your work on social media. (Using it wisely will help reap benefits). You never know what opportunity strikes you when, where, and how!

Most importantly grab every opportunity that comes your way! You never know what it might bring for you!

Take that leap of faith! Don't be scared and don't hesitate to try something new!

PS- I was indeed shocked that I was being noticed!

Has anything similar happened to you? Or do you write blogs?

Please comment below and share it with us!

Also, please do read my guest blog!

Post: Blog2_Post
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